Working With Polymers
ne lab we did this last quarter was working with polymers. We had to get the right amount of borax and glue to make the polymer stretchy, and you had to be able to put your hand it it and take your hand out and have nothing on your hand. Lachlan and I didn't get it right, but one group in our class did. Before the experiment, I thought the borax was water and I was wanted to drink it. But when Ms Pro told us it wasn't water, I didn't want to anymore. This is an example of how looks can be deceiving and haw you shouldn't assume anything if your not entirely sure.
We got pretty close to getting the slime right. We settled for my mixture. I don't know what number of stuff we put in. We tried to make the other ones the same, but one turned into a slightly worse polymer, one turned into a "fixiey liquid", and the other one... I don't know.
I don't have a picture of my slime.
One polymer commonly found in homes is silly putty.
Another is rubber, used in car tires. Perspex is in calculator screens.
. One that isn't so common is Kevlar, which is in bulletproof vests.
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