quinta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2014

Why do teens drink?

Our first unit in Health is about alcohol and what is does to the body.

Teens drink for many reasons, but I'll only list three.  The first reason is that they think it's a rite of passage, and part of becoming an adult.  This is a bad reason, because my parents, and the rest of the adults in my religion don't drink.  You can be an adult without drinking.  Another reason is because they want to fit in and feel confident from the alcohol.  This isn't a good idea either, because if all your fronds drink, they'll probably betray you because of being drunk.  You could always find new, no drinking friends too.  Finally, teens drink to escape their feelings.  They might feel sad or depressed in the real world, and drink to have a good time and escape them, but the alcohol just intensifies this depressed feeling.  Also, if you do something stupid, they make you have more guilt, so you feel even worse.  Also, if you drink you can do things you wouldn't normally do and offend people you care about.  Driving while drinking can lead to crashes, serious injuries, and death.

Here's another lego picture : a drunk person trying to beat up his friend.1

terça-feira, 23 de setembro de 2014

Reading Race

Right now, I am reading the Uglies.  It's about a society that when people turn 16 they get a surgery and become "perfect".  In the book, the main`character crashes a pretty party and becomes friends with another troublemaker like her.  When her friend runs away, she is forced to find her.  I think that she will use the bug, and then get her friend to escape, because she tries to tell her before she is cut off by the Boss.

So far I've only read my science fiction book, and I still need to read a historical fiction and a science fiction.  Technically, Life as We Knew It was science fiction, but it was more distopia.  I need to find a historical fiction, but I can find a science fiction in my house (Star Trek books).  Although in my goal it has to suggested outside of my family.  I need to rally squeeze these books if I want to get my goal done.