sexta-feira, 8 de março de 2013

End of Charlotte Doyle

  Today my class finished reading Charlotte Doyle and I must say why I like the ending, what I expected, and how I would end it.

I like the ending because it's really ironic that in the beginning Charlotte was like: "I can't wait to get home." and "I hate this place, it's so dirty!"  But at the end she wanted to go back on the Seahawk, and hated her "home".

I expected Charlotte to kill Jaggery with the dirt dirk, and tell her parents everything, and her parents would be shocked, but they will except it.  Or Jaggery will survive and he would be taken to court and found guilty.

I would have ended it with Jaggery living to Providence.  I also would have him taken to court and found guilty of two murders.  I would make Charlotte's parent freak out when she told them of the journey and her siblings will be like "COOL!".

That's it guys! :)

Claim-Argument-Counter Argument

So, pursuasive essays.  My teacher told the class we had to do another blog post.  So here it is.

We are making a pursuasive essay.  May claim is I Should be Picked up From School More

Claim:  First of all, the bus isn't as safe as my car.  There is a lot of bullying on the bus (trust me, I know).  And there  might be angry people in cars because the bus causes a lot of traffic.  Last, the bus is more difficult to control.

Argument;  But what if your mom or dad is busy or sick and does not come?

Counter argument;  I didn't say ALL the time.  I could always go on the bus sometimes.

segunda-feira, 4 de março de 2013

Judge and Jury (Charlotte Doyle) Question B

Hello!!!  You might be confused if you are new to the blog.  But my teacher asked me to answer 1 of 2 questions.

A) Do you think the crew will remain loyal to Charlotte even after she has been accused of MURDER?


B) How do you feel about Zacharaiah reappearing in the story?  Do you think he will help Charlotte?

I will aswer question 2 so don't yell at me "BUT THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE QUESTION!!!!!!!!"  So here is my answer:       |
I think it is really cool that Zachariah is alive.  Because come on, it is bad if someone dies.  I think he will hope that Charlotte survives the trial.  But he won't, for the sake of the plan, help.