quinta-feira, 20 de março de 2014

ScienceCells []

In science class we had to look at cells.  So far we have observed elodea leafs and onion cells.  Will and I saw that both of them looked like bricks in a wall.  Elodea cells were more deformed than onion cells.  Onion cells have a visible nucleus.  If you zoomed in enough, you could see chromosomes.  Without iodine, all you could see in the elodea cells were the chloroplast.  With iodine you could see honey-like substance inside the cells.
Before the lab I thought that cheek cells were blobs and the other two were brick walls.  I was right but there was more things inside the cells.  Before the lab I knew that chlorophyll made food, the nucleus commands the cell and the cell multiplies.  I was right about these.  Onions don't have chlorophyll because  they are not green.  Before and after I knew that leaf cells can perform photosynthesis because they are green and they are in plants and they have chlorophyll.  Before and after I thought the easiest cell part to see was the nucleus.  But this was only for the onion and cheek cells.  In the Elodea you could see mostly chlorophyll which does photosynthesis.
Here are some cell drawings I made under 100x.

A question some people ask is "Why are cells called cells?"  The answer is that there was a person named Robert Hooke.  He observed that the parts looked like sleeping chambers.

terça-feira, 18 de março de 2014

Jason Ohler Reflection

  I think he did a good job talking and explaining the story mountains, but I kind of didn't like how he told a big part of a book he wrote.  That makes me want to read that book less. I also like the second video he showed.  The first one was to reflective and cheesy for me.

Lego Photos 33 - 39

 The hiker found a new hat on the ground and left his old one there.  Maybe someone else will want it more than me, he thought.
 TK 482 and 287 enjoy their few hours of free time together.
 TK 836 goes for a little swim.
 "I can't believe you lost your helmet... again!"
 57th Star Corps Legion - Got a droid problem?  Call 087-5700-DROID and we'll come to exterminate it.
I guess Ted had a carrot...

segunda-feira, 17 de março de 2014

Lego Photos 28 - 33

Bad Cop goes a little overboard.
Hiker climbs the roots of a large tree.
Hiker sets off on a quest to find a new stick.
 The pirates get bored on a bus ride to their next raiding stop...
The Graded art show...

Everybody, in case of pirate sightings email me... I can't let these guys loot the art show!